Does the idea of leaving radio sound like hardest decision of your life? Perhaps that decision has already been made for you. Believe it or not, there is life outside of radio. Shan Berries did just that. Made the hardest decision of her life: to leave radio - something she had been doing for 10 years. She started as an intern and it was all she knew. Despite having doubts and not thinking she'd be good at anything else, Shan took a chance on herself and has created an amazing cosmetic line, non-profit, a team, and such an incredible brand!
"Something had to give. I was waking up every morning at 3 o'clock in the morning. I was executive producer of the show, I was also doing middays, I was managing the interns, I was wearing so many hats. I was exhausted by the time I would get home." - Shan Berries
Sound familiar? Burnout is real, y'all.
"I had to make a decision. Was it going to be killing myself for this corporation,
or jump ship and just take a chance doing something that's mine?" - Shan Berries
Chasta of 107.7 The Bone brought Shan Berries on her Rock Your Life podcast to talk about taking the leap from radio and building something that fulfills her... and is Shan done with radio completely? Watch and find out!
💡This episode has so much relatable and valuable information:
🎀 Shades By Shan @shadesbyshan Shop